Do not routinely use the oral and rectal routes to measure the body temperature of children aged 0 to 5 years. [2007]
People have the right to be involved in discussions and make informed decisions about their care, as described in NICE's information on making decisions about your care.
Making decisions using NICE guidelines explains how we use words to show the strength (or certainty) of our recommendations, and has information about prescribing medicines (including off-label use), professional guidelines, standards and laws (including on consent and mental capacity), and safeguarding.
Do not routinely use the oral and rectal routes to measure the body temperature of children aged 0 to 5 years. [2007]
In infants under the age of 4 weeks, measure body temperature with an electronic thermometer in the axilla. [2007]
In children aged 4 weeks to 5 years, measure body temperature by one of the following methods:
electronic thermometer in the axilla
chemical dot thermometer in the axilla
infra-red tympanic thermometer. [2007]
Healthcare professionals who routinely use disposable chemical dot thermometers should consider using an alternative type of thermometer when multiple temperature measurements are required. [2007]
Forehead chemical thermometers are unreliable and should not be used by healthcare professionals. [2007]
Reported parental perception of a fever should be considered valid and taken seriously by healthcare professionals. [2007]
First, healthcare professionals should identify any immediately life‑threatening features, including compromise of the airway, breathing or circulation, and decreased level of consciousness. [2007]
Think 'Could this be sepsis?' and refer to the NICE guideline on suspected sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and early management if a child presents with fever and symptoms or signs that indicate possible sepsis. [2017]
Sepsis is a condition of life-threatening organ dysfunction due to a dysregulated host response to infection.
Assess children with feverish illness for the presence or absence of symptoms and signs that can be used to predict the risk of serious illness using the traffic light system (see table 2). [2013]
When assessing children with learning disabilities, take the individual child's learning disability into account when interpreting the traffic light table. [2013]
Recognise that children with any of the following symptoms or signs are in a high-risk group for serious illness:
pale/mottled/ashen/blue skin, lips or tongue
no response to social cues
appearing ill to a healthcare professional
does not wake or if roused does not stay awake
weak, high-pitched or continuous cry
respiratory rate greater than 60 breaths per minute
moderate or severe chest indrawing
reduced skin turgor
bulging fontanelle. [2013]
Recognise that children with any of the following symptoms or signs are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness:
pallor of skin, lips or tongue reported by parent or carer
not responding normally to social cues
no smile
wakes only with prolonged stimulation
decreased activity
nasal flaring
dry mucous membranes
poor feeding in infants
reduced urine output
rigors. [2013]
Recognise that children who have all of the following features, and none of the high- or intermediate-risk features, are in a low-risk group for serious illness:
normal colour of skin, lips and tongue
responds normally to social cues
content or smiles
stays awake or awakens quickly
strong normal cry or not crying
normal skin and eyes
moist mucous membranes. [2013]
Measure and record temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and capillary refill time as part of the routine assessment of a child with fever. [2007]
Recognise that a capillary refill time of 3 seconds or longer is an intermediate-risk group marker for serious illness ('amber' sign). [2013]
Measure the blood pressure of children with fever if the heart rate or capillary refill time is abnormal and the facilities to measure blood pressure are available. [2007]
In children older than 6 months do not use height of body temperature alone to identify those with serious illness. [2013]
Recognise that children younger than 3 months with a temperature of 38°C or higher are in a high-risk group for serious illness. (Note that some vaccinations have been found to induce fever in children aged under 3 months.) [2013]
Recognise that children aged 3 to 6 months with a temperature of 39°C or higher are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness. [2013]
Do not use duration of fever to predict the likelihood of serious illness. However, children with a fever lasting 5 days or longer should be assessed for Kawasaki disease (see the recommendation on additional features of Kawasaki disease in the section on symptoms and signs of specific illnesses). [2013, amended 2019]
Recognise that children with tachycardia are in at least an intermediate‑risk group for serious illness. Use the Advanced Paediatric Life Support criteria in table 1 to define tachycardia. [2013]
Age | Heart rate (beats per minute) |
Less than 12 months |
More than 160 |
12 to 24 months |
More than 150 |
2 to 5 years |
More than 140 |
Assess children with fever for signs of dehydration. Look for:
prolonged capillary refill time
abnormal skin turgor
abnormal respiratory pattern
weak pulse
cool extremities. [2007]
Look for a source of fever and check for the presence of symptoms and signs that are associated with specific diseases (see table 3). [2007]
Also see the NICE guideline on bacterial meningitis and meningococcal disease.
Consider meningococcal disease in any child with fever and a non‑blanching rash, particularly if any of the following features are present:
an ill-looking child
lesions larger than 2 mm in diameter (purpura)
a capillary refill time of 3 seconds or longer
neck stiffness. [2007]
Consider bacterial meningitis in a child with fever and any of the following features:
neck stiffness
bulging fontanelle
decreased level of consciousness
convulsive status epilepticus. [2007, amended 2013]
Be aware that classic signs of meningitis (neck stiffness, bulging fontanelle, high-pitched cry) are often absent in infants with bacterial meningitis. [2007]
Consider herpes simplex encephalitis in children with fever and any of the following features:
focal neurological signs
focal seizures
decreased level of consciousness. [2007]
Consider pneumonia in children with fever and any of the following signs:
tachypnoea (respiratory rate greater than 60 breaths per minute, age 0 to 5 months; greater than 50 breaths per minute, age 6 to 12 months; greater than 40 breaths per minute, age older than 12 months)
crackles in the chest
nasal flaring
chest indrawing
oxygen saturation of 95% or less when breathing air. [2007]
Be aware that some pulse oximeters can underestimate or overestimate oxygen saturation levels, especially if the saturation level is borderline. Overestimation has been reported in people with dark skin. See also the NHS England Patient Safety Alert on the risk of harm from inappropriate placement of pulse oximeter probes.
Consider urinary tract infection in a baby or child under 5 with fever. See the symptoms and signs that increase the likelihood that a UTI is present in the section on symptoms and signs in the NICE guideline on urinary tract infection in under 16s. [2007, amended 2022]
Consider septic arthritis or osteomyelitis in children with fever and any of the following signs:
swelling of a limb or joint
not using an extremity
non-weight bearing. [2007]
Be aware of the possibility of Kawasaki disease in children with fever that has lasted 5 days or longer. Additional features of Kawasaki disease may include:
bilateral conjunctival injection without exudate
erythema and cracking of lips, strawberry tongue, or erythema of oral and pharyngeal mucosa
oedema and erythema in the hands and feet
polymorphous rash
cervical lymphadenopathy. [2019]
Ask parents or carers about the presence of these features since the onset of fever, because they may have resolved by the time of assessment. [2019]
Be aware that children under 1 year may present with fewer clinical features of Kawasaki disease in addition to fever, but may be at higher risk of coronary artery abnormalities than older children. [2019]
For a short explanation of why the committee made the 2019 recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on Kawasaki disease .
Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review A: Signs and symptoms predicting Kawasaki disease.
When assessing a child with feverish illness, enquire about recent travel abroad and consider the possibility of imported infections according to the region visited. [2007]
Be aware that some pulse oximeters can underestimate or overestimate oxygen saturation levels, especially if the saturation level is borderline. Overestimation has been reported in people with dark skin. See also the NHS England Patient Safety Alert on the risk of harm from inappropriate placement of pulse oximeter probes.
Refer to table 1 in the NICE guideline on suspected sepsis if a child presents with fever and symptoms or signs that indicate possible sepsis.
Children with fever and any of the symptoms or signs in the red column should be recognised as being at high risk. Similarly, children with fever and any of the symptoms or signs in the amber column and none in the red column should be recognised as being at intermediate risk. Children with symptoms and signs in the green column and none in the amber or red columns are at low risk. The management of children with fever should be directed by the level of risk.
Table 2 indicates a traffic light system to be used in conjunction with the recommendations in this guideline on investigations and initial management in children with fever.
A colour version of this table is available on the NICE tools and resources page.
Green – low risk | Amber – intermediate risk | Red – high risk | |
Colour |
Activity |
Respiratory |
– |
Circulation and hydration |
Other |
Note that some vaccinations have been found to induce fever in children aged under 3 months.
Diagnosis to be considered | Symptoms and signs in conjunction with fever |
Meningococcal disease |
Non-blanching rash, particularly with 1 or more of the following:
Bacterial meningitis |
Neck stiffness Bulging fontanelle Decreased level of consciousness Convulsive status epilepticus |
Herpes simplex encephalitis |
Focal neurological signs Focal seizures Decreased level of consciousness |
Pneumonia |
Tachypnoea (respiratory rate more than 60 breaths per minute, age 0 to 5 months; more than 50 breaths per minute, age 6 to 12 months; more than 40 breaths per minute, age more than 12 months) Crackles in the chest Nasal flaring Chest indrawing Cyanosis Oxygen saturation less than or equal to 95% |
Urinary tract infection (UTI) |
Painful urination (dysuria) More frequent urination New bedwetting Foul smelling (malodorous) urine Darker urine Cloudy urine Frank haematuria (visible blood in urine) Reduced fluid intake Shivering Abdominal pain Loin tenderness or suprapubic tenderness Capillary refill longer than 3 seconds Previous history of confirmed urinary tract infection |
Septic arthritis |
Swelling of a limb or joint Not using an extremity Non-weight bearing |
Kawasaki disease [2019] |
Fever for 5 days or longer and may have some of the following:
Remote assessment refers to situations in which a child is assessed by a healthcare professional who is unable to examine the child because the child is geographically remote from the assessor (for example, telephone calls to NHS 111). Therefore, assessment is largely an interpretation of symptoms rather than physical signs. The guidance in this section may also apply to healthcare professionals whose scope of practice does not include the physical examination of a young child (for example, community pharmacists).
Healthcare professionals performing a remote assessment of a child with fever should seek to identify symptoms and signs of serious illness and specific diseases as described in the section on clinical assessment of children with fever and summarised in tables 2 and 3. [2007]
Children whose symptoms or combination of symptoms suggest an immediately life-threatening illness (see the recommendations on life-threatening features of illness in children) should be referred immediately for emergency medical care by the most appropriate means of transport (usually 999 ambulance). [2007]
Children with any 'red' features but who are not considered to have an immediately life-threatening illness should be urgently assessed by a healthcare professional in a face-to-face setting within 2 hours. [2007]
Children with 'amber' but no 'red' features should be assessed by a healthcare professional in a face-to-face setting. The urgency of this assessment should be determined by the clinical judgement of the healthcare professional carrying out the remote assessment. [2007]
Children with 'green' features and none of the 'amber' or 'red' features can be cared for at home with appropriate advice for parents and carers, including advice on when to seek further attention from the healthcare services (see the section on care at home). [2007, amended 2013]
In this guideline, a non-paediatric practitioner is defined as a healthcare professional who has not had specific training or who does not have expertise in the assessment and treatment of children and their illnesses. This term includes healthcare professionals working in primary care, but it may also apply to many healthcare professionals in general emergency departments.
Management by a non-paediatric practitioner should start with a clinical assessment as described in the section on clinical assessment of children with fever. Healthcare practitioners should attempt to identify symptoms and signs of serious illness and specific diseases as summarised in tables 2 and 3. [2007]
Children whose symptoms or combination of symptoms and signs suggest an immediately life-threatening illness (see the recommendation on identifying life-threatening features) should be referred immediately for emergency medical care by the most appropriate means of transport (usually 999 ambulance). [2007]
Children with any 'red' features but who are not considered to have an immediately life-threatening illness should be referred urgently to the care of a paediatric specialist. [2007]
If any 'amber' features are present and no diagnosis has been reached, provide parents or carers with a 'safety net' or refer to specialist paediatric care for further assessment. The safety net should be 1 or more of the following:
providing the parent or carer with verbal and/or written information on warning symptoms and how further healthcare can be accessed (see the recommendation on advising parents or carers in the section on advice for care at home)
arranging further follow-up at a specified time and place
liaising with other healthcare professionals, including out-of-hours providers, to ensure direct access for the child if further assessment is required. [2007]
Children with 'green' features and none of the 'amber' or 'red' features can be cared for at home with appropriate advice for parents and carers, including advice on when to seek further attention from the healthcare services (see the section on advice for care at home). [2007, amended 2013]
Children with symptoms and signs suggesting pneumonia who are not admitted to hospital should not routinely have a chest X-ray. [2007]
See the section on symptoms and signs in the NICE guideline on urinary tract infection in under 16s for when to test the urine of babies and children with fever for a UTI. [2007]
When a child has been given antipyretics, do not rely on a decrease or lack of decrease in temperature to differentiate between serious and non‑serious illness. [2017]
Do not prescribe oral antibiotics to children with fever without apparent source. [2007]
Give parenteral antibiotics to children with suspected meningococcal disease at the earliest opportunity (either benzylpenicillin or a third‑generation cephalosporin). See the NICE guideline on bacterial meningitis and meningococcal disease. [2007]
In this guideline, the term paediatric specialist refers to a healthcare professional who has had specific training or has recognised expertise in the assessment and treatment of children and their illnesses. Examples include paediatricians, or healthcare professionals working in children's emergency departments.
Management by the paediatric specialist should start with a clinical assessment as described in the section on clinical assessment of children with fever. The healthcare professional should attempt to identify symptoms and signs of serious illness and specific diseases as summarised in tables 2 and 3. [2007]
Infants younger than 3 months with fever should be observed and have the following vital signs measured and recorded:
heart rate
respiratory rate. [2007]
Perform the following investigations in infants younger than 3 months with fever:
full blood count
blood culture
C-reactive protein
urine testing for urinary tract infection (see the sections on urine collection, preservation and testing in the NICE guideline on urinary tract infection in under 16s)
chest X-ray only if respiratory signs are present
stool culture, if diarrhoea is present. [2013]
Perform lumbar puncture in the following children with fever (unless contraindicated):
infants younger than 1 month
all infants aged 1 to 3 months who appear unwell
infants aged 1 to 3 months with a white blood cell count (WBC) less than 5 times 109 per litre or greater than 15 times 109 per litre. [2007, amended 2013]
When indicated, perform a lumbar puncture without delay and, whenever possible, before the administration of antibiotics. [2007]
Give parenteral antibiotics to:
infants younger than 1 month with fever
all infants aged 1 to 3 months with fever who appear unwell
infants aged 1 to 3 months with WBC less than 5 times 109 per litre or greater than 15 times 109 per litre. [2007, amended 2013]
When parenteral antibiotics are indicated for infants younger than 3 months of age, a third-generation cephalosporin (for example cefotaxime or ceftriaxone) should be given plus an antibiotic active against listeria (for example, ampicillin or amoxicillin). [2007]
Perform the following investigations in children with fever without apparent source who present to paediatric specialists with 1 or more 'red' features:
full blood count
blood culture
C-reactive protein
urine testing for urinary tract infection (see the sections on urine collection, preservation and testing in the NICE guideline on urinary tract infection in under 16s). [2013]
The following investigations should also be considered in children with 'red' features, as guided by the clinical assessment:
lumbar puncture in children of all ages (if not contraindicated)
chest X-ray irrespective of body temperature and WBC
serum electrolytes and blood gas. [2007]
Children with fever without apparent source presenting to paediatric specialists who have 1 or more 'amber' features, should have the following investigations performed unless deemed unnecessary by an experienced paediatrician:
urine should be collected and tested for urinary tract infection (see the sections on urine collection, preservation and testing in the NICE guideline on urinary tract infection in under 16s)
blood tests: full blood count, C-reactive protein and blood cultures
lumbar puncture should be considered for children younger than 1 year
chest X-ray in a child with a fever greater than 39°C and WBC greater than 20 times 109 per litre. [2007]
Children who have been referred to a paediatric specialist with fever without apparent source and who have no features of serious illness (that is, the 'green' group), should have urine tested for urinary tract infection and be assessed for symptoms and signs of pneumonia (see table 3 and the sections on urine collection, preservation and testing in the NICE guideline on urinary tract infection in under 16s). [2007]
Do not routinely perform blood tests and chest X-rays in children with fever who have no features of serious illness (that is, the 'green' group). [2007]
Febrile children with proven respiratory syncytial virus or influenza infection should be assessed for features of serious illness. Consideration should be given to urine testing for urinary tract infection (see the section on symptoms and signs in the NICE guideline on urinary tract infection in under 16s). [2007]
In children aged 3 months or older with fever without apparent source, a period of observation in hospital (with or without investigations) should be considered as part of the assessment to help differentiate non-serious from serious illness. [2007]
When a child has been given antipyretics, do not rely on a decrease or lack of decrease in temperature at 1 to 2 hours to differentiate between serious and non-serious illness. Nevertheless, in order to detect possible clinical deterioration, all children in hospital with 'amber' or 'red' features should still be reassessed after 1 to 2 hours. [2013]
Children with fever and shock presenting to specialist paediatric care or an emergency department should be:
given an immediate intravenous fluid bolus of 10 ml/kg; the initial fluid should normally be 0.9% sodium chloride
actively monitored and given further fluid boluses as necessary. [2007]
Give immediate parenteral antibiotics to children with fever presenting to specialist paediatric care or an emergency department if they are:
showing signs of meningococcal disease. [2007]
Immediate parenteral antibiotics should be considered for children with fever and reduced levels of consciousness. In these cases symptoms and signs of meningitis and herpes simplex encephalitis should be sought (see table 3 and the NICE guideline on bacterial meningitis and meningococcal disease). [2007]
When parenteral antibiotics are indicated, a third-generation cephalosporin (for example, cefotaxime or ceftriaxone) should be given, until culture results are available. For children younger than 3 months, an antibiotic active against listeria (for example, ampicillin or amoxicillin) should also be given. [2007]
Give intravenous aciclovir to children with fever and symptoms and signs suggestive of herpes simplex encephalitis (see the section on herpes simplex encephalitis). [2007]
Oxygen should be given to children with fever who have signs of shock or oxygen saturation (SpO2) of less than 92% when breathing air. Treatment with oxygen should also be considered for children with an SpO2 of greater than 92%, as clinically indicated. [2007]
Be aware that some pulse oximeters can underestimate or overestimate oxygen saturation levels, especially if the saturation level is borderline. Overestimation has been reported in people with dark skin. See also the NHS England Patient Safety Alert on the risk of harm from inappropriate placement of pulse oximeter probes.
In a child presenting to hospital with a fever and suspected serious bacterial infection, requiring immediate treatment, antibiotics should be directed against Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae type b. A third-generation cephalosporin (for example, cefotaxime or ceftriaxone) is appropriate, until culture results are available. For infants younger than 3 months, an antibiotic active against listeria (for example, ampicillin or amoxicillin) should be added. [2007]
Refer to local treatment guidelines when rates of bacterial antibiotic resistance are significant. [2007]
In addition to the child's clinical condition, consider the following factors when deciding whether to admit a child with fever to hospital:
social and family circumstances
other illnesses that affect the child or other family members
parental anxiety and instinct (based on their knowledge of their child)
contacts with other people who have serious infectious diseases
recent travel abroad to tropical or subtropical areas, or areas with a high risk of endemic infectious disease
when the parent or carer's concern for their child's current illness has caused them to seek healthcare advice repeatedly
where the family has experienced a previous serious illness or death due to feverish illness which has increased their anxiety levels
when a feverish illness has no obvious cause, but the child remains ill longer than expected for a self-limiting illness. [2007]
If it is decided that a child does not need to be admitted to hospital, but no diagnosis has been reached, provide a safety net for parents and carers if any 'red' or 'amber' features are present. The safety net should be 1 or more of the following:
providing the parent or carer with verbal and/or written information on warning symptoms and how further healthcare can be accessed (see the recommendation on advising parents or carers in the section on advice for home care)
arranging further follow-up at a specified time and place
liaising with other healthcare professionals, including out-of-hours providers, to ensure direct access for the child if further assessment is required. [2007]
Children with 'green' features and none of the 'amber' or 'red' features can be cared for at home with appropriate advice for parents and carers, including advice on when to seek further attention from the healthcare services (see the section on advice for home care). [2007, amended 2013]
Children with fever who are shocked, unrousable or showing signs of meningococcal disease should be urgently reviewed by an experienced paediatrician and consideration given to referral to paediatric intensive care. [2007]
Give parenteral antibiotics to children with suspected meningococcal disease at the earliest opportunity (either benzylpenicillin or a third‑generation cephalosporin). [2007]
Children admitted to hospital with meningococcal disease should be under paediatric care, supervised by a consultant and have their need for inotropes assessed. [2007]
Antipyretic agents do not prevent febrile convulsions and should not be used specifically for this purpose. [2007]
Tepid sponging is not recommended for the treatment of fever. [2007]
Children with fever should not be underdressed or over-wrapped. [2007]
Consider using either paracetamol or ibuprofen in children with fever who appear distressed. [2013]
Do not use antipyretic agents with the sole aim of reducing body temperature in children with fever. [2013]
When using paracetamol or ibuprofen in children with fever:
continue only as long as the child appears distressed
consider changing to the other agent if the child's distress is not alleviated
do not give both agents simultaneously
only consider alternating these agents if the distress persists or recurs before the next dose is due. [2013]
Advise parents or carers to manage their child's temperature as described in the section on antipyretic interventions. [2007]
Advise parents or carers looking after a feverish child at home:
to offer the child regular fluids (where a baby or child is breastfed the most appropriate fluid is breast milk)
how to detect signs of dehydration by looking for the following features:
sunken fontanelle
dry mouth
sunken eyes
absence of tears
poor overall appearance
to encourage their child to drink more fluids and consider seeking further advice if they detect signs of dehydration
how to identify a non-blanching rash
to check their child during the night
to keep their child away from nursery or school while the child's fever persists but to notify the school or nursery of the illness. [2007]
Following contact with a healthcare professional, parents and carers who are looking after their feverish child at home should seek further advice if:
the child has a fit
the child develops a non-blanching rash
the parent or carer feels that the child is less well than when they previously sought advice
the parent or carer is more worried than when they previously sought advice
the fever lasts 5 days or longer
the parent or carer is distressed, or concerned that they are unable to look after their child. [2007, amended 2019]
This section defines terms that have been used in a particular way for this guideline. For other definitions see the NICE glossary.
For the purposes of this guideline, fever was defined as an elevation of body temperature above the normal daily variation.
A child's response to social interaction with a parent or healthcare professional, such as response to their name, smiling and/or giggling.